The team at the State Department needed an application to monitor internal sites. This included: an add sites page, delete options, and notification. Developers worked on the backend code while I created the designs.
Design a new application, test familiarity, and add a data visualization element.
Part of the challenge was understanding why the internal team needed this application, as well as keeping in mind who was using the site. This was primarily left to the discretion of the developers to have a site to monitor the many sites managed by the development team. This would allow the proper channels to be aware of an outage and fix the problem as they appeared.
Process/ Opportunity
The best place to start was understanding what the platform does, how it works, what the users do, and why. This included researching the other application already in use, testing the designs, and improving on the usability. This was also an opportunity to create a unique app would calm the user in the event of an important site going down or discovering that maintenance was required.
The solution was not simple by any means, this lead to a design that encompassed everything that was asked. Created a new workflow based on the research and usability testing. The outcome was a responsive application that included: dashboard, report page, and add sites-to-a-group-screen for ease of use.